Chat Guidelines
Originally guidelines for Irish Chat but applicable for any chatroom. Original text left below.
What is Irish Chat?
A place where anyone with an interest in Ireland can come and chat to people with similar interests. It should be fun but informative, political yet understanding, frank yet discrete, and privacy in all things should be respected.
In reality Irish Chat is what the members make it. We rely on the members to make others feel welcome.
If you find anyone you don't get along with ue the silence feature. Irish Chat users should be mature enough to deal with disruptive behaviour themselves. If you see someone in trouble direct them to our page of tips with dealing with abuse
Politics, Sex and Religion
These topics probably cause more arguments than everything else put together. We welcome frank and open discussion on all of these topics and indeed any other topic. If you become embroiled in topics you don't want to discuss check out our chat tips page.
Unacceptable behaviour
We used to have a list of these but what is acceptable to one person can be intolerable to another. You decide your own standards but if it appears that the conversation you are having with a few friends is unacceptable to others in the room you should move to the Shebeen or the Lion's Den.
No information is available to other people in the chat room other than what you tell them so don't give out personal details unless you know exactly who you are talking to. Also see Chat Tips on this.
If you get booted don't jump to conclusions and assume someone has done it - the software sometimes plays up and puts people out by accident.